Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Olympics!

I'm guessing the Olympic Village was more interesting during the Olympics. Having a 2400 meter long 160 meter wide walkway is great, unless there's not much reason for people to be walking on it. Although it was far from a ghost town, full of tourists, mostly in-country tourists.

It didn't help things that the pollution level today was pretty high too. Trying to get clear pictures was near impossible, and with the size of the stadium, also known as bird's nest, the pollution was evident inside as well.

The architecture of the stadium is pretty interesting, but it's old, faded and rusted in parts, and generally seems uncared for. They charge for admission to walk around and see the inside concourses, and the field is large, you can get a great view of the occasional segway races held for tourists around the infield track, but other than that and videos about the olympics, there isn't much else.

There's also the water cube across the way. But during the day, it's just a blue box with weird circles on it.

The long and the short, I was unimpressed with the 'tourist' site. I don't doubt it was exciting during the event, but now it's just gathering dust, almost literally.


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