Friday, June 14, 2013

The more the merrier

Today, a new student arrived in Beijing from the University of Kentucky. His name is Reid, and he's come to intern in China for a few weeks. I managed to catch up with our KEI partners as we had lunch, and helped Reid get a rundown of the campus. I'm worried about him, since he doesn't speak a lick of chinese. He should be ok, but it isn't the easiest thing to just jump into a society where your communication is troublesome. We'll be going to see the Water Cube and the Bird's Nest olympic installations tomorrow. I'll bring back pictures.

In other news, I spent a long time talking with my close friends Brandon Swanberg and Maja Fus, (separate instances) it's good to catch up with old friends. I also managed to meet up with Cherry and we talked for a good while about many things. Other than that, I spent my day studying and drafting notes for a short story I'm writing for a friend.

Apologies for the lack of big news in this post, today was uneventful, although the weather continues to be stellar,*knock on wood*.


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