Saturday, June 8, 2013

Living large and in charge

 Now, you might be wondering, "Ben, what are you doing up at 1:45 AM when you have classes at 8:00 AM?" I would, of course, polite reply thusly, "Why, my dear reader, it is because I've only just returned, and I made a promise to write a new blog post daily. Promises are important!" To which the insightful reader (read: you) would exasperatingly reply, "No, not why are you writing, what did you just get back from?"

To cut to the chase, and to stop controlling what you would say, as I'm sure that is irritating, I've just returned from a 'livehouse'. A livehouse is a music venue featuring live music, every night of the week. Rules are, if you come, buy a drink, some gigs cost money for entrance. Simple enough for even a foreigner to understand (it helps that almost everyone spoke english). Now, to proceed with this story, I have to tell another one, bear with me.

Last sunday, around 9:00 PM, I got a call from my friend Juanjuan. She told me there was a student concert on cams, and encouraged me to attend. So, being the adveturous, music-loving, sex, drugs, and rock&roll soul that I am, I jumped right up out of my chair, leaving my chinese textbook unattended in the white zone (loading and unloading only) and zoomed my cute, little behind over there.

The concert was vastly entertaining and fulfilling. Listening to people from several different countries sing in chinese and english. But the details must wait for another time, this story is too long already, due to my wordy mood. At this concert, there was a girl. She had short hair, played bass, and stole my heart. Ok, maybe the last one was an exaggeration, but her voice is stupendous, and she sang english as though it was a native language to her. Obviously, I was impressed and asked Juanjuan who she was. So Juanjuan introduced me to her, and I got her phone number.

Right, moving along, story waits for no man. So, and this is another story shortened for the purpose of telling the original story, she invited me to come out with her and friends this night. Of course, my (see long self-praising list from above) and lazy self went out to meet her. I found the place easily, and entered to find the small bar absolutely packed with people. I made my way to the bar, and got a beer, then started looking for JiangNan, 姜楠, (Gee-ahng Nan). Found her pretty quickly, but there was a set going on, so beyond exchanging waves through the small crowd, we didn't get a chance to speak for a bit.

After I met her two other band members, 蓝han LanHan (I'm not sure what character is his first name, so just han for now) and 木帅 MuShuai, I found out that tonight, the bar had 7 bands playing in sucession, because the drummer who was in each band was leaving to return to Australia tomorrow. 

I heard jazz trios, chinese rock&roll, samba, flamenco, erhu, piano and sax trio and more. The drummer was quite talented and capable in different styles. And even though my ear and musical education are both lacking, I enjoyed myself Immensely. There were times I just closed my eyes and listned to the soulful melody of the saxophone played by a young student. And needless to say, the drummer was a treat, it almost made me want to start playing drumset again. Who knows, maybe I will so I can join a band next time I'm in Beijing.

Anyway, that's why I'm so late. 

Love traveling,

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