Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The day before the end of the world: Leaving Lexington

Today is Tuesday, the last full day in Lexington before I fly out to Beijing for 5 months. Until now, my departure hasn't really sunk in, but after the week of goodbyes and bittersweet partings, I'm beginning to realize that I'm really doing this. I'm going, on my own, to a foreign country, for 5 months, to learn to speak the language. I guess I should start packing now. Packing is something that I'm either really good at, or really bad at. Yesterday, when I decided to put some things in the suitcase, I found I was done after about 15 minutes, with half my suitcase still empty. My mom thinks I ought to take two suitcases, but it's beyond me how I would bring enough stuff to fill two. We'll figure it out eventually. In the meantime, I'm concluding my farewell rituals, having coffee with coworkers, hugging friends goodbye, gazing around my room, realizing that I won't see it for a long time, let alone sleep in my own bed. Perhaps that is for the best though, since my bed is so comfortable that I never want to wake up.
I started writing this post in a coffee shop in downtown Lexington, KY, and I'm concluding it in the Lexington bluegrass airport, waiting for my first flight. I'll start short, until I have more important and interesting things to write about.


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