Monday, June 10, 2013

Sleeping like the dead

I spent the majority of my Sunday sleeping, falling asleep after a very late night out and waking up late. I ate, read, studied and talked, but it was a slow, lazy, rainy sunday. The rain was soft, but fell constantly. On one of my brief forays out, I found a world shrouded in dusk, clouds dark grey and cloudy. The rain fell softly upon my slightly disheveled hair with a featherlight touch. The normally slightly tarnished state of Beijing was transformed to a damp, shiny set of slightly tarnished, but wet buidlings. Despite the cool weather, despite the falling rain, some female students still wore high-heeled sandals, short cut dresses, and would still hold on to their boyfriends arm, just like if it were sunny. The umbrella they use is even the same. Protection against the sun, precipitation, all wrapped in one well designed package.

I've not got very much more to say for now, but here you go.


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