Thursday, March 28, 2013

Long time no see, 好久不见,Haojiubujian (how jeeoh boo jee-an)

I've not posted in a while, and some of my readers have bugged me about it. So, in order to quiet the peanut gallery. I'll give you some news of dear old Ben. In the storied lands of China, there are many many things to do, and the last 2 - 3 weeks have been spent very busily.

I'm sick right now, we have a test tomorrow and it's cold. But I'm still having a blast. There are too many good things to write them all now. I'll get to it eventually.

In the meantime, I'll share a small story.

For lunch today, I decided to venture off campus. As I made my way to the campus gate, a screwdriver fell out of the sky into the street, at my feet. Then, because of it's momentum it bounced about 3 feet and flew off behind me. I'm not sure where it came from, but my suspicions is the dormitory nearby, from an open window, 7 stories up. I don't know where else it could have come from with the same trajectory and velocity. No one stopped to even look, besides me. Apparently that's common in China. Maybe it rains screwdrivers sometimes, here, who knows.

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