Topic: Show a
comparison of the masculinity of foreigners with native Chinese men, in both literature and personal accounts.
Interviews: Plan to
interview more subjects regarding the subject of foreigners in sexual relations
with native Chinese.
In-Class Sources: Shanghai Baby,
Characters Big and Small, Lady Sophia’s Diary
Potential outside sources:
Extramarital Love in Shanghai
James Farrer and Sun Zhongxin
The China Journal, No. 50 (Jul., 2003), pp. 1-36
Farrer, James (2008) 'From
"Passports" to "Joint Ventures":
Intermarriage between Chinese
Nationals and Western Expatriates Residing in
Asian Studies Review, 32:1, 7 – 29
A Foreign Adventurer’s Paradise? Interracial
Sexuality and Alien Sexual
in Reform Era Shanghai
James Farrer
Sexualities 2010; 13; 69
M. Pugfelder (2012). The Nation-State, the Age/Gender System, and the
of Erotic Desire in Nineteenth-Century Japan. The Journal of Asian Studies, 71,
pp 963-974 doi:10.1017/S0021911812001222
Louie (2012). Popular Culture and Masculinity Ideals in East Asia, with Special
to China. The Journal of Asian Studies, 71, pp
929-943 doi:10.1017/S0021911812001234